The Native Translator Ihr Übersetzungsbüro

Proofreading translated documents

As well as offering a high quality translation service, we are also pleased to provide our customers with translation proofreading services as and when required. This means that we take a look at a pre-existing translation of business documents, contracts, or any other type of text to check for spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, or any other failure to properly translate the text or convey its meaning. 

We revise your document to correct any mistranslations, ensuring that your completed translation is as good as it can be. We deal with legal, patent, medical, insurance, financial, marketing, PR, transport, and other technical documents, and our team of native-speaking experts is fantastic at spotting those little mistakes which can make all the difference to a document’s credibility or meaning.

Although proofreading should not be required when you have employed the services of a professional translation agency, it is a quality control method which should not be overlooked. After all, a second pair of eyes can never be detrimental in this sort of work, and not all translation agencies are made equal.

The Native Translator is online Opens internal link in current windowtranslation agency and part of the Swiss group The Translator Group, certified according to European norm EN 15038 as well as the North American CAN/CGSB 131.10. We are equally specialised in technical translation, legal translation, financial translation as well as medical translation and perform proofreading within these fields.