The Native Translator Ihr Übersetzungsbüro

The Native Translator - Document Translation Service

Online translation is an in demand service and here at The Native Translator we can provide a whole range of document translation services to meet all of your requirements. Simply upload your document in any format including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, TIF or PDF and we will quickly and accurately translate your text into the language and format of your choosing.

No matter how large, small or complex your translation requirement may be, we have a worldwide team of expert translators to provide the services that you require. We never use translation software, all of our work is completed by actual people who are certified translators and the best in their industry.

We have worked on thousands of document projects over the years covering a wide range of subjects including insurance, business, law, advertising, government work, education, literature and many more. We are specialists in the provision of document translation services for numerous languages including Spanish, English, French, Chinese and Japanese to name just a few.

Reach thousands of customers with expertly translated documentation, delivered to you in hours by a qualified and experienced team of professionals. A leading service provider in the field of translation who is dedicated to the provision of quality document translation for any business located anywhere in the world. 

The Native Translator is an online translation agency and part of the Swiss The Translator Group, certified according to European norm EN 15038 as well as the North American CAN/CGSB 131.10. We are equally specialised in technical translation as well as legal translation, financial translation and marketing translation. We are the industry leader in Opens internal link in current windowcertified online translation a translation service you can rely on.