The Native Translator Ihr Übersetzungsbüro

Africans Translation Service

Do you have a business in Africa or are you in Africa and looking to expand your business internationally? We offer comprehensive Afrikaans translation services for a range of corporate clients and government organizations located throughout the world. What’s more, we offer what we call a framework agreement which enables us to build a mutually beneficial and ongoing relationship.

When you enter into one of these agreements with us as a corporate client we will provide you with access to a translation management system. You can upload and download your documents as you need to, significantly improving the process of document distribution. You will also be assigned to a dedicated project manager who is available to answer any questions that you have or respond to anything relating to your translated documents.

Furthermore, as our team are truly the very best, we will ensure that your documents are of the highest possible standard. Your projects will be worked on by a highly educated, experienced linguist who is a native speaker and conversant with the subject matter. We also offer extremely affordable translations to and from many languages throughout the world as well as Afrikaans. Opens window for sending emailContact us today to see how we can help your business communicate internationally.

The Native Translator is an online translation agency and part of the Swiss group The Translator Group, certified according to European norm EN 15038 as well as the North American CAN/CGSB 131.10. We are equally specialized in Africans technical translation, legal translation, financial translation as well as certified translation.