The Native Translator Ihr Übersetzungsbüro

A Dedicated Translation Service

Certified Translations Online.

When you need a certified translation in almost any language, we are the obvious choice. A translation must be accepted by someone experienced in the country where it is supposed to be used. A translation certified in France will not necessarily be valid in Argentina as there are different rules so it is really important that you choose a translation company who know and understand the requirements. Due to The Native Translator’s extensive Global Network we can provide you with a translation that is actually accepted in the country where it is supposed to be used.

We have over 5,000 translators working for us all ready to handle your particular translation needs. They are all mother tongue translators meaning they only translate into their own native language. We specialize in Legal Translation, Financial Translation, Marketing Translation, Medical Translation and technical Translation and our translators have all a degree in the respective specialty

We are the world’s fastest high-quality online translation service and the leading provider of online certified translations. Click on “Get a quote” and 1 minute later you know how much your translation will cost. High quality, professional certified translations have never been easier or cheaper to obtain but only if you choose The Native Translator. 

The Native Translator is an online translation agency and part of the Swiss group The Translator Group, certified according to European norm EN 15038 as well as the North American CAN/CGSB 131.10. We are equally specialised in technical translation, legal translation, financial translation as well as certified translation.