The Native Translator Ihr Übersetzungsbüro

Norwegian Translation Service

The Native Translator have been delivering expert Norwegian translations for many years, offering businesses and individuals exceptional standards of customer service along with top quality document translation services. We are part of The Translator group and we guarantee first class translation in over 100 languages covering many different sectors for both business and personal use. Our services have been used by a diverse range of clients from small businesses through to large, international corporations as they rely on our expertise and accuracy to complete exceptional quality translations.

One of the services that we offer, primarily to individuals but also to business owners is that of certified translations. The certification process differs greatly from country to country so it is really important that the translation company you choose has knowledge of the country for which the document is intended. If you need certified translation for any purpose or in any language, Opens window for sending emailemail us to see how we can help.

As we understand the process of certification, we know that what applies in one country may not necessarily apply to another, but our team will ensure that the document you require is not only translated into the required language, but it will be accepted by an official organization or institute.

The Native Translator is an online translation agency and part of the Swiss group The Translator Group, certified according to European norm EN 15038 as well as the North American CAN/CGSB 131.10. We are equally specialised in Norwegian technical translation, legal translation, financial translation as well as certified Norwegian translation.